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Certified, Sworn or
Notarized Translation

I wrote an article on my blog about this topic explaining in detail the difference between certified, sworn and notarized translations that you can read here, but on this website you will find a more concise version of it.

For the record, I am an APT Certified Legal Translator (as you can verify here; additional proof of certification can be made available via email request), which means that I am able to provide certified translations (within the meaning of common law) whenever necessary, by issuing a certificate of accuracy bearing my own APT stamp and embossed seal, but in case you need a notarized translation, I can help you with that as well, as I work in partnership with a lawyer to help speed things up.

You can request a quote here.

Lastly, please keep in mind that in Portugal you will very often hear about certified translation as having the same meaning and effect as a notarized translation. This is because in Portuguese we say that a translation is "certificada" when we are actually referring to a notarized translation (which means that what we should be using instead in Portuguese is  "notarizada", as this is the correct term). It is a true case of false friend (therefore, certificada must not be interpreted as certified). Indeed, you won't hear any Portuguese native speaker using the word "notarizada". Instead, we commonly say "certificada" in this context. This preference is due to the fact that, pursuant to Portuguese law, besides a notary, other third parties (see FAQ) are allowed to provide what in common law is known as notarized translations, considering that, in this regard, they hold the same powers as a notary public. And so because of this unique aspect, the use of the broader term - certificada - is preferred in the Portuguese language in order to encompass those other third parties, since using the term "notarized" could be misleading and suggest that only a notary is vested with such power. Other possible terms are: tradução autenticada or tradução oficial.


In conclusion,  "tradução certificada" in Portuguese is not the same as certified translation in English. Instead it refers to what in common law is considered a notarized translation. An equivalent in Portuguese of a certified translation would be "tradução ajuramentada" or simply said "ajuramentação", as known in Brazil, although such terminology might suggest that the translation was done by a sworn translator, a concept that doesn't currently exist in the Portuguese legal system, although a Portuguese translator can become a sworn translator if recognized as such by other countries where this translation system is in place (see FAQ).

This is why, to avoid misleading my clients, in Portuguese I use specific terminology, namely, I say tradução certificada notarial or tradução autenticada em notário ou advogado to refer to what is know as notarized translation, and tradução acompanhada de certificado de qualidade e rigor assinado e carimbado pelo tradutor (which is the certificate of accuracy issued and signed and bearing the translator's stamp) or declaração sob compromisso de honra de qualidade e rigor da tradução, to refer to certified translation within the meaning of common law.

Do check the article where I explain this common misconception between certified, sworn and notarized translations, so you don't get everything all mixed up. 

So here are the main differences between certified and notarized translations (make sure to check the FAQ as well) :

When a simple translation is not enough because the requesting body is asking for a layer of safety and reliability, you need a certified translation. In some cases, the translation has to be notarized as well in order to produce legal effects. But since the act of notarization is not a proper indicator of the quality or accuracy of the translation, because the notary public, lawyer or solicitor mainly verify the identity and signature of the translator, many institutions and official entities mostly require certified translations, especially outside of Portugal. Other times, they might go a bit further and ask for notarized translations that have previously been certified.


Whether a translation needs to be certified or both certified and notarized depends on the country where the translation will be used and on the requirements imposed by the official body or entity, or any other recipient to which you will submit your documents.


In Portugal, notarization is required for the translation of documents attesting to civil status (e.g. documents relating to birth, death and marriage, also known as vital records), since the translation of these official documents will necessarily have to be placed at the same legal level as the original in order to become likewise official. Therefore, a notarized translation is absolutely mandatory in these cases. In the remaining cases, for documents such as bank statements, tax return, medical records, diplomas, academic transcripts, resume or CV, reference letters, contracts, minutes, etc., a certified translation should be enough, but always confirm with the requesting body beforehand.

Also, please note that nationals of signatory countries of the Hague Convention (or Apostille Convention) are required to have their civil status documents authenticated by public authorities of the country which issued them. This means that such documents must necessarily carry an apostille in order to be recognized as official documents in the other countries that are signatories to the Convention. However, exceptions apply within the EU. Please see Regulation (EU) 2016/1191 and Commission Notice "Guidance on the right of free movement of EU citizens and their families". If the country where the document needs to be used is not part of the Convention, consular legalization will be necessary.

What is a sworn translation? And what about a notarized translation?

Sworn translation is the type of translation provided by a translator who has been authorized by the government or a court to provide legal translations, a.k.a. a sworn translator. Sworn translators are usually added to an official court or government list of approved translators. You should know from the get-go that this is not how things work in Portugal though. Here, this is not yet possible under Portuguese law. Portuguese translators can only become sworn translators if recognized as such by other countries (such as Spain for example). So instead of sworn translations, in Portugal we have two options: we either provide certified translations or notarized translations (or both). When a notarized translation is needed, in Portugal we do this with the intervention of third parties which are stipulated by law, namely a notary public, a lawyer, a solicitor, or a Chamber of Commerce. Thus, in such cases, a translator, any translator, must, under oath or pledge of honor, declare before one of the above-mentioned third parties that the translation is accurate and faithful to the original document (and this step is necessary with every translation that needs to be notarized). The third party then confirms such statement in writing (which becomes an affidavit), and attaches it to the translation, after affixing their signature and stamp. The translator's signature is also needed. With that, the notarized translation becomes a legal document in its own right, meaning it has the same legal validity and produces the same legal effects as the original document. You could say that what we have going on in Portugal is a hybrid translation system that combines aspects from civil law countries with those from common law legal systems. Another important aspect which is worth mentioning: usually, for a notarized translation to be used abroad, an apostille is also required. It is important to note as well that the third party does not attest to the accuracy of the translation. They merely confirm the translator’s identity, credentials (if any) and signature, and then briefly mention the type of document for which a translation has been provided, as well as the language combination involved. The translator is the sole responsible for the truthfulness of the statement made before the third party at issue.


Why do I need a notarized translation?

You may need one for legal purposes, when a certified translation is not enough (it's important to note that it always depends on the country where you are planning to use it and on the criteria established by the receiver), but you should know that it is usually more expensive and time-consuming, as in Portugal this involves an additional step of verification by one of the third parties mentioned above, who may charge a fee or require an appointment. Also, notarized translations have legal consequences because, through notarization, a translation becomes legally binding, therefore you should resort to translators who are extremely qualified and trustworthy. Lastly, if the document at issue is a civil status document (aka vital record), then in Portugal it is mandatory to request a notarized translation of that document in order to produce the expected legal effects.


So what is a certified translation?

To be precise, certified translation is a type of translation provided by a translator who has been certified by a professional association of translators or an organization that regulates the translation industry. In Portugal, such certification is granted by the Portuguese Association of Translators (APT) after passing an exam in a specific language combination (e.g. English into Portuguese and Portuguese into English) and sometimes even a specific domain (e.g. legal). This means that an APT certified translator is able to provide, along with their translation, a certificate of accuracy that states their name, credentials, and contact information, and by which they attest that the translation is an accurate representation of the original. Such certificate must also carry the translator's signature and bear the APT approved stamp and embossed seal, otherwise it will lack the reliability that the receiver is requiring. Therefore, the certificate of accuracy has no value if any of these elements are missing because the certified translator should be easily identifiable and recheable by the entity requesting the translation.


Why do I need a certified translation?

In Portugal, you may need one when in contact with the authorities or institutions requesting you to have non-civil documents translated by a certified translator for confirmation purposes as to the nature of the information present therein. It could be certificates, diplomas, resume or CV, reference letters, contracts, minutes, bank statements, tax return, medical records, academic transcripts, and other important paperwork. In other words, if the translation is not meant to hold the same legal value as the original document and thus become an official translation, seeking only to make the content comprehensible to the receiving institution or body because they may not be familiar with the language in which the original document was written, and a standard translation won't do it because of the importance of the document which requires an added layer of safety, then a certified translation will provide the reliability that the requesting body is looking for. Since, in Portugal, a certified translation within the true meaning of the word doesn't hold legal value by itself and therefore cannot be considered an official translation (unless notarized), you will need to submit it along with the original document (or a legalized copy thereof). And, in some cases, an apostille may also be required. However, in other countries, such as in the US or the UK (just to name a few), certified translations often times can be used for legal purposes as well, which doesn't mean they act as a substitute for notarized translations. Nevertheless, considering that certified translations are faster and cheaper than notarized translations and most documents are eligible or suitable for it, the truth of the matter is that they are usually preferred by clients and widely accepted by the authorities, especially in those two countries where notarized translations are only required occasionally. Conversely, in countries with well-established translation systems, like Italy, France, Spain, Germany, or Brazil, official translations are mandatory for legal purposes and these can only be provided by court or government-appointed translators (better known as "sworn translators" mentioned earlier). Again, please bear in mind that the type of translation you need for your situation always depends on the country and authorities involved. Therefore, it is advisable to check with them first.


How to decide?

In conclusion, to help you choose the right type of translation for your situation, you should consider the following factors:

•  the purpose of the translation and the type of document: What do you need the translation for? If you need it for legal purposes, to hold the same legal value as the original document, and especially if we are talking about civil status documents, then in Portugal what you need is a notarized translation or a certified and notarized translation. For other purposes, when all is needed is for the requesting body to fully comprehend the content of the original (non-civil) document, then a certified translation should do it. Outside of Portugal and depending on the country and the receiver, a certified translation may be all you need, regardless of the purpose of the translation or the type of document. Again, this is subject to confirmation.

•  the cost and time of the translation: How soon do you need the translation? How much are you willing to pay? Notarized translations are more expensive and time-consuming than certified translations. Please keep that in mind.

•  the quality of the translation: Because in Portugal any translator can provide a notarized translation (with the help of one of the previously mentioned third parties), without necessarily having a legal background, and because through notarization what is actually being confirmed is the translator's identity, statement and signature (and not the accuracy of the translation), requesting a notarized-only translation does not guarantee its quality, but rather serves the purpose of placing it at the same legal level as the original document, which means you can't really tell if the translation is truly reliable and 100% accurate. Sure, if there's a problem with the translation, the translator is accountable and legal action can be taken against them, but this still doesn't save you the trouble of having to start from scratch. Certified legal translators, on the other hand, are proven to be highly qualified. It is precisely based on their knowledge and expertise that they receive accreditation. From this point of view, you are better off with a certified translator who not only can certify their own translations but they can also provide notarized translations on demand (with the help of a notary, lawyer, solicitor etc.).

Often times, when it comes to translating official documents, you will encounter terms such as certified or sworn translator and certified, sworn or notarized translations, which can be confusing.

If you need to translate a document for official purposes (e.g. applying for a visa or citizenship, or for a license to get married), it is important to first understand the difference between certified, sworn and notarized translation, because having a clear understanding of which is which will help you choose the right one for your situation.

So, let's brake it down by answering to some frequently asked questions:

In case you still have doubts regarding the type of translation you need in your situation, just email me at and I'll be happy to help.

Charges and Fees Price List *

In accordance with the principle of lawfulness, fairness and transparency, below you can find a list of all foreseeable charges and fees regarding certification and notarization services, and the costs involved with mailing the documents to your address:

​╰┈➤ certification service:
■ for 1 document:

 monolingual certificate of accuracy - €20
 bilingual certificate of accuracy - €22
■ for 2 or more documents:

● monolingual certificates of accuracy - €15 each
● bilingual certificates of accuracy - €17 each

​╰┈➤ notarization service:
■ for 1 document:

 monolingual notarization - €25
 bilingual notarization - €30
■ for 2 or more documents:

● monolingual notarization - €22 each
● bilingual notarization - €27 each

​╰┈➤ delivery costs ** (tracking number included):
domestic registered mail - €7,50
 international registered mail:

■ countries within the EU, except Spain - €12
■ countries outside the EU, except U.S. - €17

■ Spain - €10

■ U.S. - €15

* The charges and fees stated above do not include the translation service for which the rate is calculated per word or per page, based on the document at issue and the deadline involved. All fees/rates are subject to change without notice, therefore, an increase in fees may occur at any given time or a discount may be applied at the discretion of Maria Vana, except for quotes concerning unpaid service requests that have already been confirmed in good faith by the parties, for which, in order to protect the client's legitimate expectations, no additional fees may be subsequently imposed. For a service request to be confirmed, explicit and informed consent in that regard is required from the client. Simply requesting a quote does not equal confirmation regarding the provision of a service.  

** Subject to change depending on the postage rates set by the post office, which can fluctuate from time to time due to inflation. Keep in mind though that, generally speaking, Portuguese postage rates are typically below EU average. All documents are mailed via registered mail inside a padded flat rate envelope. Documents can also be sent via priority or express mail with same-day delivery within the Iberian Peninsula and one to five working days for other international destinations. However, this postal service has an extra cost which can only be calculated by weight. Delivery in digital/electronic format is free of charge.

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